13 Feb 2017 - So many models.....so little time.....

13 Feb 2017 - So many models.....so little time.....

So many models.....so little time.....

Over the years we must have handled so many models. You know the rare ones that pop up on eBay and you think "i used to have that one", well multiply the "one" by 100 and you would have an idea of how we feel every day. As a retailer you cannot keep hold of the models, you have to sell them - otherwise you end up with a warehouse full of stock......hang on, that's what we have got !

So, where are we going wrong. Well i don't think we are, but i cannot see the light at the end of the listing tunnel. This is not a complaint, merely an observation , and an insight into how things are here.  Hey, hopefully it doesn't end, or i could be looking for a different job!

I'm currently sat at my desk surrounded by Minichamps, Spark and Anson models. Jock (yes he is Scottish) is listing Franklin Mint trucks, and Jim is photographing and listing some odd 1/18 scale models. Such is a typical day here. We do at least manage to get some heat here from a portable heater, but you have to feel for Damo in the warehouse as it is cold down there. Anyway, enough of me babbling on i have to go, looks like a rep from one of the wholesalers has just turned up and we obviously need to order some more stock !!!




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